Thursday, October 31, 2019

Process Improvement Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Process Improvement Plan - Essay Example Control Chart for Laundry Process Graph between Sorting Time and Days days Control Chart in the above graph between sorting time and days of the week reflects declining trend of time in laundry over the days. Descriptive Statistics of the Laundry Plotting of days on x-axis and sorting time in seconds on the vertical axis is the basis of control charts. CL in the above graph shows the control limit whereas UCL denotes Upper CL and LCL refers to Lower CL within the range of 3?. PIP Steps for Laundry Process through SPC SPC provides statistical measurement of laundry process to apply controls in planning of the laundry process from analytics of data. PDSA cycle consists of the step to apply process improvement plan: (PDSA Cycle, 2007) Plan Variation of cloths distribution in drawer causes the variation in timing of sorting as evident in times measured for sorting in different weeks. Manual measurement of sorting also causes a change in sorting time as it is always approximate. Type of c loth changes in summer or winter season affects the processing time of sorting cloths. Do Segregation of cloths in bins through quick-sorter can minimize the sorting time. It will improve consistency of timings. I will apply appropriate labels on drawers to put clothes in the right bin. Applying labels further assist in arranging cloths in bins and reducing sorting time if clothes are labeled in categories of denim, cotton, delicate, etc. If I can place right cloths in the right category, it will reduce effort of sorting at the time of laundry. Study Study of laundry process for the weeks of observation provides steps of improvement. Control chart further provide insight regarding the impact of changes in laundry process. I study process and impact of changes across six weeks to apply corrective and preventive measurements to optimize the process of laundry for clean clothes in minimum time. Act Chase, Jacobs, & Aquilano (2006) suggest targeting for the next bottleneck after standar dizing the process through reduction in bottleneck. Seasonal Factors affecting the Laundry Process Seasonal factors affect the sorting time of the laundry process as people wear different kind of cloths in winter, summer, or rain. Woolen cloths consume more time in operation of laundry than cotton cloths. Winter season also reduce agility of person that can indirectly affect the timing of laundry. Control Chart Excel is a useful tool for control chart that assists in data driven improvement through applying controls on the process. DMAIC (Define, measurement, analysis, improvement, and control) provides steps for improvement of quality (Chase, Jacobs, & Aquilano, 2006). The six week process of data collection and control measurement of laundry process sets the plan for continuous improvement across the week. Control Limits Aslup and Watson (1993) define the control limit of quality through application of empirical rules between the mean and standard deviation of collected data. The CL refers to mean of the data in the control chart and 3? deviation measures the upper and lower control limit of the chart (Chase, Jacobs, & Aquilano, 2006). Statistical distribution of data dispersion for normal population is shown in the following figure: (Chase, Jacobs, & Aquilano, 2006) 90% Confidence Interval (CI) follows the mathematical formula of ? - z*?/vn to ? + z*?/vn in which significant level is 0.10. Critical value of z for a significant level 0.10 = 1.645

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Augustus foreign policy Essay Example for Free

Augustus foreign policy Essay After the battle of Actium at 31 BC Augustus had the full control over the legions of Rome and there was no one left to oppose him. However, his long absence from Rome made his position subtle and he needed to maintain high public profile within the city in order to restore the republic and strengthen his regime. Thus, in the years between 31 BC and 23 BC the possibility of foreign campaign seemed unreasonable and unnecessary. With the second settlement of 23 BC Augustus was granted maius proconsulare, which literary made him supreme commander of all legions and unlike before the senate and people of Rome forced him in this position. Indeed, the military status of Augustus at 23 BC is the same he had at 31 BC, but the important difference was in the image it created. Now, Caesars heir was more than everything a supervisor of the order and protector of the republic. Having such responsibility he decided to strengthen the existing borders of the Empire before expanding them. Evidence for this is Augustus saying in Res Gestae that he stationed more than 300,000 soldiers in the provinces as a way to protect the Empire against dangers. It is interesting that Augustus reduces the size of the army from almost 50 legions to 28 (Res Gestae 3). This is a clear indication that he did not consider the possibility of a great campaign in the east or north to expand the Empire. This actually is in accordance with his image of Pax Augusta. After the battle of Actium, Caesars heir came to power with the promise of prolonged peace. He even restored one of the forgotten republican traditions the closing of the Gates of Janus Quirinus when Rome was not at war (Res Gestae 13). It is also possible that Augustus felt temptation for a prolonged foreign campaign but he never found the right time to start one. As a mentioned earlier, after 31 BC the Princeps received the responsibility to restore the republic and after 23 BC he had to reorganise the provinces and create a system of defence. The years after 23 BC were marked by private and public calamities: the death of Marcellus and Agrippa was followed by the death of Gaius and Lucius and then a disastrous marriage between Julia and Tiberius. At the same time a serious revolt occurred in Pannonia in AD Â  and in Germany three legions under the command of Varus were wiped out in AD 9(Suetonius 23. And given all this it is not quite true that Augustus felt no temptation for foreign war. Indeed, he commanded the armies directly only in two foreign wars (compared to five civil wars) according to Suetonius 20, but many other wars were led by Romes generals under his auspices (listed in Suetonius 21). Drussus and Tiberius fought the Germans off the the river Elba which had to become the new northern border but this aim vanished after the massacre of Varus legions. Parthia, the big Roman enemy, was still very weak in 20s BC but Augustus never started a war with them. However, he threatened to begin one in order to get back the Roman standards lost by Crassus in 53 BC. Truly, fighting Parthia was expensive and dangerous but leaving the peace to the caprice of the Eastern king was unreasonable. Here Augustus came with the brilliant idea of creating buffer states which would defend the borders of the Empire. The most important of these was Armenia and Augustus often intervened there to strengthen the government as proven by Res Gestae 27. In conclusion, it is difficult whether Augustus did not feel temptation for foreign war or did not have the opportunity to start one. The Empire was so big that there were few territories worth fighting for and with the creation of buffer states there were even fewer. Augustus major responsibility was to build firm and lasting foundations for the commonwealth (Suetonius 28) and that is what he did. But war-lover or not, the Empire under Augustus was bigger than even before and for first time definite border were defined.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Mass In A Catholic Church Begins Religion Essay

The Mass In A Catholic Church Begins Religion Essay The Liturgy of the Word is then said. This includes the Gloria, which is a prayer of worship, thanks and praise. An Alleluia verse is sung and readings are then read from the Bible. The purpose of this is to remind people of Gods promise to save his people, to provide food for the spiritual life of Gods people, and ,according to the Catechism, Jesus is present in his word since it is he himself who speaks when the holy Scriptures are read in the Church. (Catechism Para 1088). The readings are arranged in yearly cycles so that a great proportion of the Bible is read, and all the four gospels are read throughout the year. The priest may then say a homily, which explains the meaning of the passage read and how we should reflect on it. The Creed is then said. The creed is either the Nicene Creed, which was agreed at the Council of Nicaea, or the Apostles Creed. The creeds are basically a summary of the main core beliefs of Christianity. This includes beliefs on God- The Father, Jesus Christ- The Son of God, the Holy Spirit, and the Church. The prayers of the Faithful are said, also known as the Bidding Prayers. These are a series of 5 prayers that ask for Gods help with issues important to the community, such as peace for the world, or the sick of the Parish. The offertory then occurs. This is a procession of the bread, wine and other things like money are brought through the congregation to the priest, who then blesses them by holding his hands over the offerings, which symbolises the Holy Spirit coming down on them. Other priests celebrating the Mass in the congregation may also hold their hands out, inviting the Holy Spirit to come down on the blessed items. The congregation then prays that their sacrifice may be acceptable to God. The Liturgy of the Eucharist is the next most important part of the Mass. The word Eucharistic means thanksgiving and the Catechism express the belief that the sacrifice of the Eucharist and the sacrifice of Christ are one single sacrifice (Catechism Para 1367). Eucharistic Prayers begin with the preface, whish is an introductory prayer that generally begins: Father, all powerful and ever living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks through Jesus Christ our Lordà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The Eucharistic prayers are different from each other, but the common acts are performed. The main part of the prayer centres on the consecration and transubstantiation, when the words of Jesus at the Last Supper are repeated: Take it; this is my bodyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for many. (Mark 14:22-24) The bread and wine are therefore turned into the body and blood of Christ. In the Catholic Church this is known as Transubstantiation. This is signified by the elevation, when the priest will raise the bread or wine, and the congregation bows their heads as a sign of respect. A bell may also be rung, which has roots in Latin Mass when the altar and the priest would not be seen by the congregation and, as the congregation would not usually understand the Latin spoken, the bell would be rung to tell the people which point in the Mass they were at. The priest will break some of the bread and place it in the cup of wine, which is known as the transmingling. This is followed by the acclamation when the priest and the congregation say Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again. This is followed by the memorial prayer, when God is asked to accept the sacrifice. A series of prayers about the blessing of the Church, the dead, and a prayer to honour the saints are said, as is a Eucharist prayer asking for the gift of the Holy Spirit. The final prayer is to praise God through the offering Jesus made, and this is a sole mn moment in the Mass. The priest will either say or sing Through him, with him, in him, the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honour is yours Almighty Father for ever and ever. And the congregation replies Amen. Amen means I agree or I accept this The Our Father prayer, also known as the Lords Prayer is a prayer that Jesus asked his apostles to say, and is said by everyone in the mass. As everyone will be sharing the same bread, everyone in the congregation gives each other the sing of peace, which is usually a hand-shake. The people remember that Jesus was the Lamb of God, and they ask him for the forgiveness won by the sacrifice he made. The communion is the part of the Mass when everyone receives the bread or body of Christ. An individual will approach the priest, and the priest says The Body of Christ, the individual replies Amen as the bread is placed in their hands. The same happens with the blood of Christ is given, but the priest shall say Blood of Christ. There is a prayer before and after which illustrates the meaning of what is happening. The congregation is blessed, and the priest will say Go in peace to love and server the Lord. According to the Catholic Church, this is the sending for the (mission) of the faithful, so that they may fulfil Gods will in their daily lives (Catechism Para 1332), so the people are sent out to love their neighbours and to server God in everything they do. b) It is important for a Catholic to regularly attend Mass, because of the religious significance to a Catholics faith. The Catholic Church states that Jesus Christ is present at the Mass in the person of the minister and the Eucharistic species. (Catechism Para 1088). Also in Paragraph 1088, the Church state that Jesus is present in the sacrament, his Word (readings from the Bible) and when the Church prays and sings. These beliefs are crucial to the core beliefs of a Catholic, who is to love Jesus and to follow what he said; do this in remembrance of me. (Luke 22:19) If a Catholic was to not believe in the Mass and its significance, it would be tantamount to not believing in their own faith. If a Catholic attends a Mass, they are also visiting the Church. The Christian faith says that the Church is a holy place of worship but, more than that, is an important community essential for a believing Catholic. The Church is important for the Catholic; My house will be called a house of prayer (Matthew 21:13). It is important for a Catholic to pray there, as they praise God, and they are with Jesus; For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. (Matthew 18:20) There are many examples of Christians praying together in the Bible; They all joined together constantly in prayer, and all of this emphasizes the importance of a Catholic attending the Mass. There is extremely important significance in the Eucharist that takes place during the Mass. Catholics believe that when transubstantiation occurs, the bread and wine become the physical body and blood of Christ. The Eucharist is supposed to be a sacrifice that takes place on the altar of the Church, and this is the same occurrence of the event when Jesus was crucified, as he was sacrificed for the people as the Lamb of God. This is why the Church says in Catechism No 1367 The sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are one single sacrifice. This also means that the same event that occurred 2000 years ago is happening again and again during Mass. When Catholics receive communion, they are receiving the body and blood of Christ, and this holds huge religious meaning for that Catholic, and this can only be received at Mass, so Catholics that want to be closer to Christ are to receive this holy gift. The importance of attending a service regularly is also in the Bible; Every day they continued to meet together in the Temple Courts (Acts 2: 46). Overall, the Bible and the Catechism continue to stress the importance of attending Mass, and how it is essential to the core beliefs of a Catholic and their spiritual health. c) According to the Catechism it is extremely important to the faith of a Catholic to attend services at Church, especially the Mass. This is because of the importance of going to Church, listening to what is said, and taking part in the Eucharist, which is a core belief of Catholicism. The Catholic Church state that Jesus is Present at the sacrifice of the Mass, in the minister and the Eucharistic species, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦present in the sacrament, in his word, and when the Church prays and sings (Catechism Para 1088). The Church stresses how important it is to be close to Jesus, and how the best way to do this is to take part in the Eucharist. The Eucharist signifies Jesus sacrifice for his people, and is the most important thing to the spiritual life of Catholic. The Eucharist can not be received at home. However, if Jesus is present in the scriptures, this also means that Jesus is present while a Catholic reads passages from the Bible at home. In Matthew 18:20 it says; For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them, and this means that even where a family says grace before there meal, Jesus is with them then, so it is not necessary to be at Church just to be with him. Jesus also said Do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. (Matthew 6:5), and this means that one shouldnt go to church to be seen praying, and that it is much better to pray alone, and you are praying with Jesus privately which is a very spiritual act. The Bible says; But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. (Luke 5:16). However, the Church is where a community meets, and where that community prays together in the name of Jesus and everything the community needs. The Church is also the House of God; My House will be called a house of prayer (Matthew 21:13), and is filled with statues and other things that help a Catholic pray and remember important things that Jesus said. However, God is also said to be everywhere, so he is at home when a Catholic prays. It is also just as possible to keep the Sabbath day holy at home, as at Church. The Church teaches that it is important for a Catholic to attend services, especially Mass, to be a true believer in Christ, as the Catholic must receive the body and blood of Christ, and to come together as a community with Gods people. However, it is just as important for a Catholic to pray in their daily lives and on their own, as Jesus did, so the Catholic must keep a balance between the two. Ultimately private prayer and attending Church services are both important for Christians, however at the end of Mass, the priest says; Go in peace to love and serve the Lord, therefore faith without deeds is not real faith. Receiving Christ in the Eucharist should be like spiritual food and affect the Christian positively in their endeavours to live a good Christian life. Bibliography for Coursework Catechism paragraphs 1088, 1367, 1332, The Bible Matthew 18:20 Mark 14:22-24 Luke 22:19 Matthew 21:13 Acts 2: 46 Matthew 6:5 Luke 5:16 Sister Anne Burke SND Dimensions of Christianity, 1988, Kevin Mayhew

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Doctrine of the Indefinite Terms in the Ancient Commentators of Aristotle :: Philosophy Philosophical Essays

The Doctrine of the Indefinite Terms in the Ancient Commentators of Aristotle ABSTRACT: The ancient commentaries on Aristotle's Peri Hermeneias (De Interpretatione) give us important elements to understand more clearly some difficult passages of this treatise. In the case of the indefinite names and verbs (i.e. 'not-man', and 'does not recover', respectively), these commentaries reveal a doctrine which explains not only the nature of the indefinites, but also why Aristotle introduces these kinds of term in Peri Hermeneias. The coherence and explanatory capacity of this doctrine is entirely absent in modern exegesis of Peri Hermeneias. This fact has important implications: it can make us to think whether there will be another topics in which the ancient commentators are still indispensable to understand Aristotle. It can also make us to think to what extent a profounder reflection of the ancient commentators can modify our idea of Aristotle and the ancient world. I. The labour of translation of and comment on the ancient interpreters of Aristotle, which in our days have been edited by Professor R. Sorabji,(1) has put modern readers in contact with new dimensions of Aristotle's thought. In these ancient commentaries, many of the traditional and well-known doctrines of Aristotle find not only theoretical basis, but also a number of obscure and condensed texts reach an important and valuable elucidation and explanation. The subject-matter that I would like to discuss today is a sample of how these commentators can still contribute to understand Aristotle. I would like to warn, however, that the theme of the indefinite terms is especially illustrative of what I indicate, for the modern comments on this topic have been made without a profounder consideration of the ancient teaching. In my opinion, however, a more reliable and complete explanation about this difficult subject is to be found in the analysis of the ancient view. II. The commentaries of Boethius(2) and Ammonius son of Hermeias(3) contain in a slightly different manner the ancient doctrine of indefinite names and verbs. They explain some questions whose answers are not evident in Aristotle's Peri Hermeneias (= PeriH.):(4) namely, (i) why does Aristotle introduce indefinite names and verbs after defining name and verb? I.e. Why does Aristotle consider adequate to define expressions like 'not-man', 'does not recover', etc., once he has defined 'man' and 'recovers' as name and verb respectively? Even more, (ii) why does Aristotle in Chapter 10 of PeriH. leave indefinite verbs aside and introduces only indefinite names in simple (= categorical) propositions?

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Math Observations

Kindergarten Math Observations Mrs. Miller, Antelope Elementary, Kindergarten Observed: Wednesday (9:00am-10:30am) 3/27/13 Classroom rotation- children went from one room to the next for separate subjects, also each group of kids had been evaluated and put into advanced, moderate, and standard levels. This was also known as 3rd level, 2nd level, and 1st level kids. Advanced Group- 3rd level kids Classroom was set up into three separate group tables. Kids would move from work table to work table to complete different math activities.Before starting their groups the teacher first went thru math skills they had learned the previous week (adding the dots on a two sided domino). Then the teacher went on to this week’s concept (adding objects). She then read a story about a girl and a boy that wanted to see how many magnets they had together. The girl had 3 black magnets and the boy had 2 hand magnets. She then had the children add up (count) the total amount of magnets on the board . She then asked what they thought the math problem would be. They repeated 3+2= 5.She then asked if all students had understood why it was that and all answered with either the sign language symbol for I understand or yes. Group #1- Played a version of math bingo. Used math problems to find what number to put there chip on. The answer to that answer was where there chip was then placed. This game continued until all squares were filled. This group was assisted by Mrs. Joyce (a. k. a teacher’s assistant). When kids began to struggle with problems for example like: 3+4, the assistant slowed down the game and made sure each student recognized that 3+4 was 7 and then to place their chip on seven.Group #2- This group was with the teacher. This group worked through a worksheet paper with their teacher. The first side of the worksheet was about counting coins. Mrs. Miller first asked them the name of the coin (ex. Nickel). The children answered nickel. She then asked what the value of the coin was (ex. Nickel= 5cents). The children answered 5. She then asked the children to count by fives for each coin. She then asked the children if the answer was 15 cents or $15. They answered 15 cents.Example problem : (three nickels) 5†¦10†¦15 = 15 cents The second side of the work sheet was drawing what the story was saying as first a picture, or a visual, and then as an equation. Mrs. Miller first read the story. Then the students went thru drawing the picture with the teacher. Example problem: Tanya has 2 red balloons and 1 yellow balloon draw the picture. Mrs. Miller then asked the students what the problem would look like. The students answered 2+1= 3. She then made sure that each student understood and had the correct answer before proceeding to the next problem.Example problem: Jamal has 3 blue squares and 2 green squares, draw the picture. Mrs. Miller then asked the students what the problem would look like. The students answered 3+2= 5. She then made su re once again that each student comprehended the problem and why it was 3+2= 5. After about 15-20 minutes the groups switched and rotated to the other table. At 10:30 the children lined up at the door and went back to their homerooms for snack. (end of observations) Summary/ Reactions – Mrs. Miller, Antelope Elementary, Kindergarten I enjoyed observing this classroom over all.I really liked the way her classroom had been set up with not just desks in a row but the students were assigned tables and then they also had an assigned seat on the carpet. I was pleasantly surprised at the level of math the students were able to complete and comprehend. I considered in the back of my head what I had originally thought kindergarten was and remembered only learning my alphabet and finger painting. I really liked that the students had been assessed into different levels of comprehension and was glad to see that most of them succeeded more in the segregated math environments.I also liked that their math time had been split into two subgroups. I noticed that this helped the students get a break from the monotony of doing the same math problems over and over by also allowing them to improve on some of their other math skills simultaneously. There were a few differences within each group level that I would like to consider also. First I would like to talk about my reactions to the level three students. My initial reaction to the students was that they were all very focused mildly behaved kids for kindergarteners.The students had no problem and truly looked like they enjoyed playing the Math Bingo. I noticed Mrs. Joyce did not have to help them as much with adding the numbers together and seemed to compute the answers quite quickly. When the students were in the second group with Mrs. Miller they were asked more difficult questions such as the three factor problem (mentioned in observations). I was surprised to see that most of the students had no problem drawing and wr iting out the problem even though an additional factor had been added.Then when they moved on to counting the coins I liked that majority of the students could recognize the coin, the value of the coin, and then by using its amount counting up to find how much money they had. Over all, this group definitely showed they were advanced. Next I would like to talk about my reactions to the level two students. My initial reaction to the students was that they were a little less focused but comprehension wise were still fairly up there. I liked that the group activity had changed for group number one from math bingo to a more practice oriented group. I did notice that Mrs.Joyce had to help a few students in setting up their number in rows and would have liked to see her maybe show the students first how to put the numbers in rows. In Mrs. Miller’s group, or group number two, I noticed she didn’t really focus on the writing of the problems to match the stories. I noticed that the kids didn’t understand as much as the previous level why they got there answer as much as what their picture looked like. And then when the students went thru the coin side of the work sheet I thought that a few students answered more frequently first and then the other students would copy there answer.Over all, this group was slightly less advanced but also above the average kindergartener. Finally I would like to talk about my reactions to the level one students. My initial reaction to the students was that they were definitely a lot more easily distracted by the set up of the room and each other. I did like that Mrs. Miller went through the numbers 1-30 on flashcards with this group and that when they began to struggle she slowed down and went thru them again before starting the groups. I will definitely consider this strategy in my classroom. I appreciated when Mrs.Joyce took the time to show the students what their numbers should look like when in order by writing th em on the board. This was a great reference and I noticed majority of the students used it as such. I noticed though with this group, more than the last group, Mrs. Joyce helped he students find each number instead of letting them find them on their own. I assumed that maybe she was just trying to save time. In group number one with Mrs. Miller I noticed the students would lose focus much easier and found coming up the answer much more difficult.I especially noticed that at one point on the front of the work sheet students were mostly blurting out guesses not actual thoughts. I would have liked to have scene maybe a break at this time to go back and explain why the answers were what they were, but I understand at the same time that the groups were on a time schedule. On the back of the work sheet I noticed majority of the students struggled when asked what the coins were even though examples of the same coins had been placed on the board. I would have probably reminded them of the p ictures on the board.Over all, this group was definitely willing to learn, but lost focus the most often. In conclusion, observing this kindergarten class has really changed my outlook on what I used to think kindergarten was. I am now more willing to consider this grade level as a possible career. I saw a few things I would have maybe done differently, but over all my observations of Mrs. Miller’s kindergarten class were mostly positive and rewarding experience wise as well. Third Grade Math Observations Mrs. Shaffer, Metteer Elementary, Third Grade Observed: Thursday ( 10:00am- 11:00am) 3/28/13 Classroom setup:The desks were set up in groups of two. Each group had been strategically placed there because of their willingness to volunteer or the lack there of. For instance a student that answered questions a lot would be placed with another student that didn’t volunteer so much so as to make that student more willing to raise their hand and participate in discussion. T he classroom was covered in inspiring posters and excellent art work made from each student. There was also a wall dedicated to the highest scored English tests. There were a set of classroom Do’s and Don’ts on the wall.Examples: Make good choices, Make the teacher happy, and Fallow direction quickly. Each rule had a hand signal. For example make good choices is taking your pointer finger and pointing to the side of your head. After the teacher went through each rule she then had each student teach it to their neighbor. There was a wall with small pouches on it with each students desk number on each and in each pouch was a green, yellow, and red card. When a student talked out of turn or was not fallowing directions the student was then instructed by the teacher to go â€Å"turn their card† or switch their card from green to yellow or from yellow to red.On the board there was a tally system set for when the class as a group were not on task or not fallowing dire ctions. If the students were too loud they got a tally mark on the frowny face side, and if they quieted down and got focused again they received a tally mark on the smiley side. At the end of the day the tally marks were added up and if they had more smileys then frownys they got extra recess that week. Math: The teacher began by going back over 8ths. She drew a square on the board and asked the class how many individual squares made a whole square.The students replied by saying â€Å"16 squares†. She then cut the whole square in half and asked the students how many squares made up one half of the whole square. The students answered by saying â€Å"8 squares†. The teacher then cut one half the whole square in half and asked the students how many squares equaled one fourth of a whole square. The students answered by saying â€Å"4 squares†. The teacher then cut one fourth of the whole square in half and asked the students how many squares make up one eighth of t he whole square. The students answered by saying â€Å"2 squares†.Then the teacher asked how many eighths would fit in the whole square. The students replied by saying â€Å"8†. The students were then told to get out there small square eighth work sheets. The work sheets were about eight square grids on a piece of paper. On each grid the students were instructed to creatively shop up the grid into sections so that it had eight equal parts, or eight eighths. Then after they had finished their mini squares they were instructed to trade them with their neighbor and grade each other on if they completed the assignment correct as it had been assigned.Then when their squares had been approved, they were then supposed to choose one square they thought looked the best and make draw that mini square pattern onto a bigger square grid. The teacher then made sure that each student understood that the squares needed to all be colored a different color so they would over lap and tha t they wrote one eighth on their pages as well. Summaries/Reactions – Mrs. Shaffer, Metteer Elementary, third grade. When I first arrived at the classroom, the students were already starting the day out to a rough start. Mrs.Shaffer was apparently not content in the way they had walked to the classroom after recess and had the students walk all the way back to the line up on the play ground and walk back to the classroom again. Although the students slipped up a bit the first time when they had to actually go back and walk it again, I noticed a significant change in their attitudes and their level of focus. Once in the classroom, the students level of attentiveness went down again but it was mostly because they had a new distraction in the room, me. The teacher started going through the class rules and the hand signals with the students.I noticed that they really enjoyed sharing with their neighbors what they knew and I feel like this simple activity helped them to better kno w their class mates and grow as group partners. Then the teacher began asking the students their fractions for eighths and writing the answers on the board. I noticed that not every student was completely paying attention or answering the questions as much as other students. I would have liked to have seen the teacher maybe redirect the focus of the whole class as she had done previously in the day, just to continue with consistency.Then the teacher had the students break off into their groups and finish their mini grid papers. I noticed with some of the groups the students were really excited to show their neighbors their squares and had excellent creativity in their designs. The only thing that I noticed did happen with a few of the groups was that they started to act as though the appraisal of whose square was the best was more important than actually completing the assignment. But when the students reached too loud of a level of noise, the teacher put a tally on the board on the frowny side and the students refocused.Then the students that were finished with the mini squares were then instructed to redraw their favorite design on the larger grid square that would be shown at their open house. I really liked that the students made it a point to make their fractions very personal and neat. I then made it a point for myself to ask each student why they chose the colors they did. Most students replied that the colors they chose were their favorite colors. One boy said that he chose the colors brown, green, grey, and black because it made his fraction look like camo print. All in all I had a really great experience while observing in Mrs.Shaffer’s classroom. Her techniques and her instruction were very unique and different. I hope to visit and or observe her class again someday. Sixth Grade Math Observations Mr. Smith, Metteer Elementary, Sixth Grade. Observed: Tuesday (9:30am-10:30am) 3/26/13 Classroom setup: The classroom had its own computers, two wip e boards, and a job board. The Job Board included little pouches with each child’s name on them and included job such as Lunch Helpers, Paper Gatherer, Desk Straitener, Mad Minute Man, Computer Monitor, Clean up Foreman, and Phone Person. On the walls there were several posters.The first one was a poster titled â€Å"How to write a good paper. † It had four colored circles on it. There was one green forgo write your topic, one yellow for slow down and give reason, one red for stop and explain, and finally another green for go back and restate your topic. The next poster was a transition poster that had lots of helpful transitions sentences for the students to use as a reference. The next poster was an Editors Marks Poster. It had signs such as the paragraph sign,  ¶. The student’s desks were all together in a hollow box shape with two desk partners in the center.Math: That day Mr. Gappa was having the students build a mummy tomb out of Banana and Apple boxes. He first asked the students’ how they should start. They started by finding the area of the Banana Boxes (Banana: 10† ? 20† = 200 inches squared). Then he asked them what they should do next. They replied that they should find out how many boxes and fit in their tomb space. Mr. Gappa then measured each dimension of the corner of the room where the tomb would be placed. Wall one was 100in long and 110in tall. Wall two was 160in long and 110in tall.He then asked the students what they noticed about the dimensions of the banana and apple boxes compared to the dimensions of the walls. They replied that the banana boxes and the apple boxes dimensions were factors of the wall dimensions. Then he asked what they should consider next. They replied that they didn’t know how many columns they still needed. Mr. Gappa told them that they would need two columns, but then asked how many boxes it would take to make the columns using the apple boxes (Apple: 20† tall) . The students then started to write down all the data on the board. Then Mr.Gappa went around the room making sure each student understood their data for the tomb building. For their final blue prints they were to use graph paper, making sure that there boxes were equal to at least two squares on the graph paper. Mr. Gappa then made it clear that he wants all the blue prints to be neat and colorful because they were going to be submitted to the Pharaoh contractor. For each wall the students then went about figuring out how many boxes they would need using the formula, area= length? width. When they had finished with their walls, they all gathered at the front of the classroom and went back over the data with Mr.Gappa. Mr. Gappa then went around the room making sure that each student was using lots of color on their blue prints and were making sure they were very neat. He then mentioned a real life situational fact to the kids that they were going to be like little construction work ers when they begin building the tomb. Summaries/Reactions First of all I would like to begin by saying how much I really liked the set up of the room. The kids were close enough together for quiet discussion during tasks but also when out of their seats had plenty of room to move throughout the classroom.This class was also the quietest sixth grade class I’ve ever seen. Even Mr. Gappa spoke quietly when giving direction to make sure that each student had to listen very closely just to hear what he said, I almost didn’t even hear what he said. Next I would like to discuss the math. I really liked that Mr. Gappa had taken the time to create a math project for all the kids that used all the math skills they had learned during the year to help in the making of a mummy tomb which was also a part of their history lesson that week.I liked that when going over the data Mr. Gappa didn’t just give the students the answers but made them figure them out on their own. This to me showed the true attentiveness and memorization skills that the students had obtained that year. The last thing I liked was the student teacher relationship that Mr. Gappa had with all his students. He was serious when he needed to and the students switched modes as well and truly respected him as an authority. Yet at other times he could laugh and joke with the students about how the music that he played was really old.He also reminded me of the High School teacher Mr. Null in the sense that he called all the pretty girls fat and ugly, as to not let them get an ego in his class. All in all, I truly enjoyed observing this class. Their attentiveness to direction and the bond that they had with their teacher was to me very insightful. I will definitely consider using some of his teacher technics in my own classroom someday and hope to go back and observe his classroom someday as well.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Tesco Fail in Japan

Management Decision Case : Tests Serves Up Japanese Expansion Given the highly competitive nature of the Japanese retail food market and failure of global leaders Wall-Mart and Careful to successfully penetrate the Japanese market, do you believe Deco's decision to open Tests Express is a good idea? Why or why not? Not a good idea. Why? Cultural differences between the I-J market and the Japanese market for groceries. Japanese doesn't want change (even Walter and Careful failed).So, it s difficult to penetrate into Japanese market Tests needs volume (to make profit) due to the operation cost. Japanese only wants their local product (since there is already 40000 convenience store in Japan) Quality & Standard. The reason of Walter n Careful failure was the quality since Japanese is willing to pay for higher-quality food that is convenient. Come with express first but no capability since their model works with bigger supermarket (risky) Japan, the world's third-biggest grocery market re mains a difficult country to make money from as International retailersHow would you describe the retail strategy for Tests Express as it expands in Japan? Unique mix of convenience store and supermarket featuring higher-quality fresh food, ready-made meals, and certain supermarket items found in its larger, traditional Tests Supermarket. Convenience store offering quality, ready-made food and limited supermarket items (not currently served by traditional Japanese convenience stores such as 7- eleven, Lawson, Circle-K Skunks, or the larger more traditional grocery stores such as Neon and Aide) Focuses on the delivery of fresh ready-made foods.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Song Analysis Essays

Song Analysis Essays Song Analysis Paper Song Analysis Paper Writer: VANDROSS, LUTHER/MARX, RICHARD N Back when I was a child Before life removed all the innocence My father would lift me high And dance with my mother and me And then Spin me around till I fell asleep Then up the stairs he would carry me And I knew for sure I was loved If I could get another chance Another walk Another dance with him Id play a song that would never ever end How Id love love love To dance with my father again When I and my mother Would disagree To get my way I would run From her to him Hed make me laugh just to comfort me yeah yeah Then finally make me do Just what my mama said Later that night when I was asleep He left a dollar under my sheet Never dreamed that he Would be gone from me If I could steal one final glance When final step One final dance with him Id play a song that would never ever end Cause Id love love love to Dance with my father again Sometimes Id listen outside her door And Id hear how mama would cry for him Id pray for her even more than me Id pray for her even more than me I know Im praying for much to much But could you send her The only man she loved I know you dont do it usually But Dear Lord Shes dying to dance with my father again Every night I fall asleep And this is all I ever dream Tyeishia Bailey November 15, 2011 Prof. G. Morgan Literary Forms Dance with My Father Luther Vandross was born April 20, 1951 and died July 1, 2005. He was an American singer, songwriter, and record producer. During his career, Vandross sold over twenty-five million albums and won eight Grammy Awards including Best Male R;B Vocal Performance four times. Also, he won four Grammy Awards in 2004 including â€Å"Song of the Year† for the track Dance with My Father (Vandross. com). In the 1980’s Luther Vandross opened up to the world after being a part of several duets and groups one titled â€Å"Luther†. In 1984, Vandross signed to Epic Records were he left a legacy. Though Dance with My Father was written to entertain listeners across the globe; many listeners raised their standard for the type of relationship one engages in. This song was written in a Rhythm and Blues tune, but was crossed over to other genres of music including Pop and Rock in the United Kingdom (UK). His last public appearance before his death was in 2004 for the Grammys and Oprah Winfrey show. His final words to his fans were â€Å"Whenever I say goodbye it’s never for long because I believe in the power of love (vibe). This song has continuously had an effect on people across the world because of Luther Vandross’s ability to use persona identity, figurative language, and theme. The song â€Å"Dance with My Father† was produced by Luther Vandross and Richard Marx on the album titled â€Å"Dance with My Father† in 2003. During this time it had reached number 38 on the Billboard Hot 100 and was Vandross’s last top 40 track. This song consists of six stanzas or versus and one main chorus. Throughout the song the person speaking is Luther Vandross addressing his father and mother as an adult. He used the image of him being an innocent child when he had no responsibilities and family was the most valuable asset of life. As a family they engaged in activities which resembled the love they have for one another. In the song he states that his father would â€Å"Spin me around till I fell asleep†. This line shows his father as a compassionate man who enjoyed making his son smile. Experiencing parental love gave Luther Vandross the ability to pass this love along to his children, but to also have peace and happiness. The theme for this song is love and appreciation for family. Luther Vandross gave the image of a strong African American family who were average individuals but loved beyond their struggles. The faith of higher power is believed to be the foundation on how his family prevailed through their trials and tribulations. At the end of the song he gives his mom the upmost respect by asking God for the impossible of bringing back his father. â€Å"I pray for her even more than me I know I’m praying for much too much, But could you send back the only man she loved. But Lord, she’s dyin’ to dance with my father again†. Though this family had disagreements, Luther Vandross, knew the love his parents had for one another was the greatest gift from God. To coincide with this song Vandross did a duet with RB artist Beyonce for a similar emotional song entitled â€Å"Daddy†. Each song on the album produced by Vandross gives resemblance of an innocent child’s emotion towards his or her father. The song â€Å"Dance with my Father† still affects many listeners even if one has not lost their father. The song helps a child appreciate the past memories of simple interactions more. Though some listeners cannot fully relate to this song it gives a sense of hope for having family especially for African American for a loving father and husband. The figurative language used is in this song is in the form of imagery. Vandross gives a visual of his father carrying him to his bed after a disagreement with this mother. Throughout the song there were not different types of figurative language expressed. He gave several examples of his father being a gentle and caring man who only wanted the best for his family. In the middle of the song Vandross reveals that his father â€Å"†¦ left a dollar under my sheet†, to show that though it was not much money his father went out every night and worked hard to make that dollar. Also, he uses metaphorical words to show how his mother emotionally felt about his father stating that she would cry often â€Å"I’d hear her, mama cryin’ for him†. Lastly, he uses rhyming words throughout the song to express his self and gratification for the love given by his parents. Inclusively, this song has had an impact on thousands near and far. Luther Vandross has touched over 250,000 fans across the world. This song has not only contributed to the love and appreciation for a family, but has given an image of a worthy man to be claimed as a father. At the end of the song Vandross shows his final appreciation for his father. â€Å"If I could steal one final glance One final step, one final dance with him† than life would be perfect as it was when he was a child with innocents. For many listeners this song could be played on repeat, so the flawless love once felt by Luther Vandross would never end as the song would never end. DANCE WITH MY FATHER Lyrics LUTHER VANDROSS. Song Lyrics. Web. 06 Dec. 2011. ; elyrics. net/read/l/luther-vandross-lyrics/dance-with-my-father-lyrics. html;. The Official Luther Vandross Site. Web. 01 Nov. 2011. ; luthervandross. com/;. Top 100 Music Hits, Top 100 Music Charts, Top 100 Songs The Hot 100 | Billboard. com. Music News, Reviews, Articles, Information, News Online ; Free Music | B illboard. com. Web. 06 Nov. 2011. ; billboard. com/charts/hot-100;. VIBE. Web. 06 Nov. 2011. ; vibe. com/;.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

French Vocabulary Related to Soccer and the World Cup

French Vocabulary Related to Soccer and the World Cup Whether you love playing soccer or just watching games like the World Cup,   learn some French soccer terms so you can talk about the sport. Note that in the U.S., football refers to  football amà ©ricain. In most of the rest of the world, football is what Americans call soccer. French Soccer Vocabulary In French,  le  football  means soccer in English, and le foot translates as football. These and related terms are vital to know if you want to talk knowledgeably about soccer in French. Le football, le foot   soccer, footballLa Coupe du monde, le Mondial   World CupLe match game, matchLa pà ©riode halfLa mi-temps   halftimeLe temps rà ©glementaire regular time (the standard 90-minute game)es arrà ªts de jeu stoppage timeLa prolongation overtime People and Players When talking about football in French, its important to learn the French terms related to the game of soccer. Une à ©quipe teamLes Bleus  Ã‚  the Blues - French soccer teamUn footballeu  Ã‚  soccer/football playerUn joueur  Ã‚  playerUn gardien de but, goal  Ã‚  goalieUn dà ©fenseur  Ã‚  defenderUn libero  Ã‚  sweeperUn ailier  Ã‚  wingerUn avant, attaquant  Ã‚  forwardUn buteur  Ã‚  strikerUn meneur de jeu  Ã‚  playmakerUn remplaà §ant  Ã‚  substituteUn entraineur  Ã‚  coachUn arbitre  Ã‚  refereeUn juge/arbitre de touche   line judge, assistant referee Plays and Penalties Understanding soccer in French means learning the terms for plays and penalties that are an inevitable part of soccer. Un but  Ã‚  goalUn but contre son camp  Ã‚  own goalLe carton jaune  Ã‚  yellow cardLe carton rouge  Ã‚  red cardUn caviar  Ã‚  perfect passDes contestations / protestations  Ã‚  dissentUn corner  Ã‚  corner kickun coup franc, coup de pied arrà ªtà ©Ã‚  Ã‚  free kickUn coup franc direct / indirect  Ã‚  direct / indirect kickUn coup de tà ªte  Ã‚  head buttUne faute  Ã‚  foulUne faute de main  Ã‚  hand ballUne feinte  Ã‚  fake outUn grand pont  Ã‚  kick/pass around a players legsHors-jeu  Ã‚  offsideUn match nul  Ã‚  tie game, drawLe mur  Ã‚  the wallUne passe  Ã‚  passUn pà ©nalty  Ã‚  penalty kickUn petit pont  Ã‚  nutmeg, between-the-legs passLe point de pà ©nalty  Ã‚  penalty spotUne remise en jeu, une touche  Ã‚  throw inUne simulation  Ã‚  dive (fake fall)Six mà ¨tres  Ã‚  goal kickSorti  Ã‚  out of boundsLa surface de but  Ã‚  6-yard boxLa surface de rà ©paration  Ã‚  penalty boxUn tacle  Ã‚  tackleNe tà ªte  Ã‚  h eaderLa volà ©e  Ã‚  volley Equipment Equipment is a key part of French soccer, as these terms demonstrate. Le stade  Ã‚  stadiumLe terrain de jeu  Ã‚  playing field, pitchLe milieu du terrain  Ã‚  midfieldLe ballon de foot  Ã‚  soccer ball, footballLes crampons  Ã‚  cleatsLe filet  Ã‚  goal netLe maillot  Ã‚  uniform, kitLe piquet de corner  Ã‚  corner flagLe protà ¨ge-tibia  Ã‚  shin guardLe sifflet  Ã‚  whistle Verbs Soccer is a game of action, so verbs- action words- are an important part of the game. Amortir  Ã‚  to trap, controlBà ©tonner  Ã‚  to put up a strong defenseContrà ´ler le ballon  Ã‚  to control the ballDà ©border  Ã‚  to get past an opponentDribbler  Ã‚  to dribbleÊtre en position de hors-jeu  Ã‚  to be offsideExpulser  Ã‚  to send offFaire du chiquà ©Ã‚  Ã‚  to (take a) diveFaire une passe  Ã‚  to pass (the ball)Faire une tà ªte  Ã‚  to head (the ball)Faucher  Ã‚  to bring downFeinter  Ã‚  to fakeJouer la ligne de hors-jeu, jouer le hors-jeu  Ã‚  to set an offside trapMarquer (un but)  Ã‚  to score (a goal)Mener  Ã‚  to lead, be winningSauver un but/penalty  Ã‚  to save a goal/penaltyTirer  Ã‚  to shoot, kick

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A comparison of two media articles Essay Example for Free

A comparison of two media articles Essay ? The Daily Express and The Independent write about the same event, England’s 2-0 victory over Greece in one of England’s world cup qualifier matches. It is obvious from looking at the articles that they are set out and written differently, this is because of their target audiences. The Independent is a more formal newspaper in A2 size, aimed at the more educated person. It is generally read by people in the social groups of A, B and C1, this includes people such as doctors, policemen and other such skilled workers. The Daily Express however is a much less formal newspaper, in A3 size, its target audience are people who are generally less educated and belong in the social groups of C1 and C2, people like builders, receptionists and other unskilled workers. The Daily Express’ article dominates the entire back page with very little else but a small sub article and some small adverts, the Daily Express sets it out in this way to attract its readers to the paper and article, it is bold and stands out. The Independent is different in this as the article takes up roughly half of the page, with enough room to have another article on the same page this is because of its much larger page. The Independent does not use big bold headlines or make it to try and attract the reader into the story; instead they set the article out in a more professional form making it look elegant and neat. This is done as The Independents readers do not want to be enticed into reading an article just because it looks attractive and stands out, they will read what is of interest to them and for content of the story. The Daily Express however uses the bold headlines and dominating layout to attract it’s readers into the article and paper. The Daily Express includes two pictures in its article, one for the main article of the match and the other one shows the gossip of the match. The Daily Star does this as their readers like pictures to attract them to the story and also like to read about the gossip as well, in this case the bottles being thrown at David Beckham’s head. The picture for the main article that the Daily Star chooses to show is that of David Beckham celebrating his goal, however they have blocked everything else out of the picture and just have David shown with a bold black outline. The picture is laid out across the page in an untidy fashion making it bolder and more attracting to its reader. This is done as the readers of the paper recognise David as a big celebrity and so want to read what is said about him. The Independent however is very different it has only one picture; it dominates the article but is set out in a square as a neat part of the article. The picture is the same as Daily stars however it is much broader as it shows more than just David Beckham; it is left showing us the stadium and the crowd’s celebrations. The chooses to do this as its readers prefer a much more in depth view as to what has happened when reading their articles, with this they can see the sort of atmosphere there would have been in the Stadium. The Daily Express uses a type of language typical of most tabloid newspapers, but not usually seen in broadsheet newspapers; puns, a play on words. The Daily Express uses pun in the headline of its article which focuses solely on David Beckham. The headline is â€Å"Haircules†, deriving from the ancient Greek God of Hercules, a mighty, strong warrior. The Daily Express has done this as it shows David Beckham as the mighty warrior of the football match. The beginning part â€Å"Her†, has been altered to â€Å"Hair† to apply more to David Beckham and his famous, forever changing hair cut. The Daily Express uses war imagery; the writer uses words, phrases and sentences which compare the football match to a bloody battle or war. The sub header is a great example of this war imagery language with the phrase â€Å"cool under fire†. We would more often than not associate this sort of term with a soldier who had kept his cool whilst being shot at, however in this case it has been changed to describe an aspect of the football match. Also, â€Å"missiles†, â€Å"victory† and â€Å"stoop to conquer† are more war imagery terms which the writer has used to elevate the match and make it seem more exciting. The Independent has not used war imagery as this is a very convincing language, the paper would much rather its readers made up their own minds rather than have them made for them. Sentence Length, sentence structure and sentence variety are another three things which sets these two articles apart. Whereas the Daily Express uses very simple, basic, short sentence structures The Independent uses longer more complex sentence structures which appeal more to its readers. The Daily express does not break down its sentences with punctuation, punctuation is very basic in this article for example, take the opening sentence of each, â€Å"Skipper David Beckham provided the perfect answer to the Greek thugs who targeted him last night with missiles as he curled in the free kick which put the seal on victory in Athens and kept England’s world cup hopes alive†, not a single comma is used to break down that very large sentence. ‘†Bring on the Germans† was the cry from the sunburned, shaven-headed masses in the northern arc of the Spiro Louis Stadium last night and there would not have been a single man in the England dressing room who would disagree’, in this the Independents the sentence is broken down by a quote and comma. Both of the articles input interviews from David Beckham; they are very similar but The Independents comments contain better vocabulary as to appeal more to its readers. The Independent inputs phrases such as â€Å"the importance of maintaining our discipline†, so that the comments appear more intellectual and appeal more to its readers. The Daily Express however writes this comment as â€Å"It was important we kept our discipline†, keeping the phrase more simple, so that it’s less sophisticated readers are not put off by complex language. The independent also contains much more dialogue than the Daily Express, this is because the Independent would like to get across as many view points as possible on the match, so that it’s readers can think for themselves and come to their own decision on the what kind of match the game was. In conclusion both of the articles are effective for their different readers. The Daily Express writes more basically and writes more about gossip and facts to appeal to its lesser educated readers. With bold headlines and the picture of David Beckham the paper is going to sell as it attracts its readers. The Independent is very different, it is much more factual, it’s more educated readers are less interested in the gossip and would rather read the facts. The article contains a lot of dialogue and refrains from using war imagery, presenting different view points enabling the reader to make their own decision on the match. A comparison of two media articles. (2017, Aug 04).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Film Analysis and Breakdown Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Film Analysis and Breakdown - Essay Example The long shots zoom in and out of the various people in the clip, enabling the viewer to see their facial features and the emotions that they exhibit. Shot 3: Sound: The soundtrack was infamous Jazz music common to the New Orleans area, with no talking, to contrast the irony between the Big Easy of old, and the reality of the destruction facing the area today. Shot 4: Image: The Depth of Field was quite wide as the director was trying to capsulate the mood of the time and the breadth of emotion that the film was designed to attract. The camera angle casts a wide panoramic view of the destruction left in the aftermath of the hurricane. Images are quite horrific as we see the sheer volume of water the descending upon the region. Shot 5: Sound: There was no narration in this shot; rather, only music was employed as a means to draw in the viewer to the message of the film. The music depicts the heart and sole of the region, while the images in this shot cast a different tone. Shot 6: Ima ge: Finally, in this shot, we notice a diegetic sound as we are left with a vision of what the destruction must have felt like and the voices of the people as they realized what had become of their lives. Part Two: Individual Analysis When the Levees Broke is a documentary film developed to contrast the two images we have of the Gulf region. On the one had, we have an area that is fun-loving and associated with a party type atmosphere. Gaining the nickname ‘The Big Easy’, we have visions of Jazz music, racial diversity, coupled with racial divisions. This understanding is contrasted with the destruction experienced during Hurricane Katrina, the feeling of despair and neglect that was felt, and the seemingly hopeless feeling that the people had and continue to have to this day. This emotion is all bought out in the very first sequence of the film. The sequence I chose is the very opening footage of the movie. I chose this sequence because the message portrayed in the ope ning six shots contains the heart and the purpose behind the documentary. The filming is a spectacular mix of close up and panoramic shots that encapsulate life before and after the Hurricane. No shot is wasted during the opening sequence, as the view is taken on a journey through two different time periods. Documentaries are often designed to elicit emotion and to tell a story. This opening sequence certainly accomplishes this aim. In shots one and two, while there is nothing spoken, the music tells the story. There are great editing features employed here that cut between the massive flooding that occurred when the levees broke, yet we are then cut back to an earlier time when the area was beautiful and life was good. Shots three through five employ an editing technique that provides us with a comparison and contrast that make the film effective in communicating its intended message. The camera in these shots cut to close ups of people in various states. After the hurricane, the i mages are horrific and the viewer can feel the pain. During the cuts to an earlier time, that is contrasted with images of excitement and a better time. These shots give us a picture of the before and after of the Gulf Region and set the tone for the rest of the film. The music itself appears to be carefully chosen as well. Rather than shifting its message and tone, the jazz played during the opening sequence is a consistent representation and reminder of what the Gulf Region was, and hopes to once again become.

Dissection and graded assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Dissection and graded - Assignment Example One of the control measures that I would take is sterilization of instruments used on the sick people. Despite the fact that operating on infected people is a tedious process, it is well known as the best manner through which a person or professional can control the spread of an infectious disease (Association of Faculties of Medicine in Canada, 2014). Given that the professional does not acquire the disease, means that they do not get to transmit the disease with the patient to other people. Another control measure to take is quarantine. Quarantine is the method used to control the spread of a disease only in its initial stages because at the time it will have only infected few people. A few infections are possible to control and thus the use of this means exponentially (New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, 2008). While people are under quarantine, it is possible for professions to test them while wearing gasmasks that will allow them to carry out their activities without catching the disease. From the tests, there is the hope of getting the causative agent and control the spread early. After reading the article, the infectious agent that caused the disease is Shigella Sonnei. This facultative anaerobic bacterium lacks the ability to move due to the lack of flagella (Niyogi, 2010). The incubation period of this bacterium is normally around 3 to 4 days. The investigator identifies several causes of the infection and it is clear to state that the main factors that he states are the most common (Bloestein, 1991). However, in the study, there are some areas not mentioned that ought to receive attention. One of the causes is the poor usage of public facilities and failure to maintain clean practices (Department of Health, 2014). Another cause of the bacterium is the high number of people using water bodies poorly and then later on using the same

Human Society's Impact on Ecosystems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human Society's Impact on Ecosystems - Essay Example Human society engages in various activities that negatively affect the ecosystem. These include overhunting, deforestation, creating pollution, overpopulation and non-native species introductions. Overhunting affects the animals’ targeted leading to in extreme cases, extinction. Indirectly, it affects the ecosystem of other species of animals or plants that may have been dependent on the threatened animal for food or as a way to keep their population in check. An example is a white rhino in Africa because of overhunting by poachers the species is nearly extinct (Morgan, 2012). Deforestation directly affects plant life and indirectly affects other forms of life. Human society needs wood for different purposes. However, the overexploitation of forests and woodlands is detrimental to the ecosystem. Apart from plant life being destroyed, habitats are also affected. According to Butler (2005), Nigeria has the world's utmost deforestation pace. The country of Brazil, on the other hand, loses the biggest area of forest annually, while the Congolese consume more bushmeat than any other humid country all due to human activity. Overpopulation puts undue stress on the ecosystem thus forcing human society to compete with other members for limited resources. Pollution of the ecosystem is another negative impact of humans on the ecosystem. Pollution kills plants and animals and at the same time destroys habitats. Humans also introduce non-native species to new habitats for their own purposes. An animal may be introduced to a new area where it did not exist before to hel p cut down on an existing pest problem. Soon the new animal begins to have its own impact on the new area, and often it results in problems for other native species. The same may happen in the case of plants (Morgan, 2012). Grim as it sounds so far, the human society has some positive effects on the ecosystem. Environmental management and preservation, global water management, pollution control and environmental awareness are some of the ways human society positively affects the ecosystem. Although some activities in the list are forced on by human beings, they all have a positive impact (Dinesen, 2012).

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Smoking should not be allowed at public places Essay

Smoking should not be allowed at public places - Essay Example According to the 2003 poll conducted by MORI in London, 40% of the interviewees concurred that smoking should not be allowed in a restaurant, a public place; 54% wanted separation of smoking and non-smoking zones. The most striking fact was that only 4% were indifferent to the location or exposure to smoking. In another separate research on Edinburgh residents, 58% were in favor of banning smoking in public places while only 28% opposed the move (City of Edinburgh Council, 1). Smoking pollutes the environment by releasing toxic components to the atmosphere. Even though it is the right of smoker to have cigarettes, a clean environment on the other hand is a necessity for humanity. A ban on public smoking- no matter how- may seem unfair to smokers, it will ensure that people live in a clean environment by reducing pollution, and nonsmokers’ rights are taken into consideration. Over the weekends and in vacations, most parents do prefer to spend their time with their children in public places. What happens in a case whereby people smoke in such recreational or public places? The answer is almost obvious; Children learn by imitation, and would actually try to act out what they see or observed happening in their surroundings. Therefore, the presence of smokers in such localities is bad influence to children and may introduce them to smoking at early ages. As precautious measure, the state government should ban smoking in public places. Most chain smokers spend most of their money and time in cigarettes. Therefore, banning smoking in public places would result in limiting the frequency at which such people smoke. This will not only result in saving money and time that can be invested elsewhere in a more profitable manner but also help the state to reduce the average health problems arising directly from smoking. It is very hard for non-smokers to entertain the disgustful scent that arises as a

Divorce Rate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Divorce Rate - Essay Example If the custody battle occurred when the child is your research shows that by adolescence children begin to fanaticize that their parents get back together, often in a fairytale way and they all live happily ever after. The earlier abuse is minimized or not thought about. By adolescence these children show the same symptoms of divorce as other children experience, difficulty making decisions, difficulty in relationships, more susceptible to depression and higher degree of acting out including the use of alcohol and drugs (Johnson, 2004) From the parents perspective custody battles ensue for many reasons but most involve the inability to problem solve how to fulfill the child’s parenting needs from two locations. Every child, male or female, need two parents but to provide that parents must work together. One theory says one of the reasons parents can not work together is because they are taking out their anger toward the spouse in the custody battle. Another theory is that one parent feels they can not trust the other. This often occurs when on parent has been unfaithful in the marriage or has been neglectful in the marriage (Booth 2001). In any case a custody battle generally involved a failed attempt at mediation. It then moves into the legal realm which is likely to involve a custody evaluation of both parents either by a social worker, a guardian adlitum or a psychologist of all three. When everyone’s reports are finished, which can take months and involves multiple interviews with the children, family members and the parents and financial information is usually also included, the case is brought before a judge. The judge then hears from all the professionals involved, both parents and the children if they are old enough. The average contested hearing is from two to three days. At the present time, joint custody or 50/50 custody is the most common ruling( Amato & Sobolewski, 2001 & 2005). All of this has

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Human Society's Impact on Ecosystems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human Society's Impact on Ecosystems - Essay Example Human society engages in various activities that negatively affect the ecosystem. These include overhunting, deforestation, creating pollution, overpopulation and non-native species introductions. Overhunting affects the animals’ targeted leading to in extreme cases, extinction. Indirectly, it affects the ecosystem of other species of animals or plants that may have been dependent on the threatened animal for food or as a way to keep their population in check. An example is a white rhino in Africa because of overhunting by poachers the species is nearly extinct (Morgan, 2012). Deforestation directly affects plant life and indirectly affects other forms of life. Human society needs wood for different purposes. However, the overexploitation of forests and woodlands is detrimental to the ecosystem. Apart from plant life being destroyed, habitats are also affected. According to Butler (2005), Nigeria has the world's utmost deforestation pace. The country of Brazil, on the other hand, loses the biggest area of forest annually, while the Congolese consume more bushmeat than any other humid country all due to human activity. Overpopulation puts undue stress on the ecosystem thus forcing human society to compete with other members for limited resources. Pollution of the ecosystem is another negative impact of humans on the ecosystem. Pollution kills plants and animals and at the same time destroys habitats. Humans also introduce non-native species to new habitats for their own purposes. An animal may be introduced to a new area where it did not exist before to hel p cut down on an existing pest problem. Soon the new animal begins to have its own impact on the new area, and often it results in problems for other native species. The same may happen in the case of plants (Morgan, 2012). Grim as it sounds so far, the human society has some positive effects on the ecosystem. Environmental management and preservation, global water management, pollution control and environmental awareness are some of the ways human society positively affects the ecosystem. Although some activities in the list are forced on by human beings, they all have a positive impact (Dinesen, 2012).

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Divorce Rate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Divorce Rate - Essay Example If the custody battle occurred when the child is your research shows that by adolescence children begin to fanaticize that their parents get back together, often in a fairytale way and they all live happily ever after. The earlier abuse is minimized or not thought about. By adolescence these children show the same symptoms of divorce as other children experience, difficulty making decisions, difficulty in relationships, more susceptible to depression and higher degree of acting out including the use of alcohol and drugs (Johnson, 2004) From the parents perspective custody battles ensue for many reasons but most involve the inability to problem solve how to fulfill the child’s parenting needs from two locations. Every child, male or female, need two parents but to provide that parents must work together. One theory says one of the reasons parents can not work together is because they are taking out their anger toward the spouse in the custody battle. Another theory is that one parent feels they can not trust the other. This often occurs when on parent has been unfaithful in the marriage or has been neglectful in the marriage (Booth 2001). In any case a custody battle generally involved a failed attempt at mediation. It then moves into the legal realm which is likely to involve a custody evaluation of both parents either by a social worker, a guardian adlitum or a psychologist of all three. When everyone’s reports are finished, which can take months and involves multiple interviews with the children, family members and the parents and financial information is usually also included, the case is brought before a judge. The judge then hears from all the professionals involved, both parents and the children if they are old enough. The average contested hearing is from two to three days. At the present time, joint custody or 50/50 custody is the most common ruling( Amato & Sobolewski, 2001 & 2005). All of this has

System Law Essay Example for Free

System Law Essay Law is a system that can give a person rights, restrictions, and forbid a person from many different acts. Laws are to protect communities in many different forms. It was designed to protect our rights as Americans. It is also set to protect people as consumers and business owners alike. Although, many people refer to law as a restriction it is also a protection for many people. The most known way law is a protection is for consumers and business owners. It protects consumers from false advertising, which protects the health or well-being of a consumer. It protects business owners in some situations by allowing business owners to own their business separate from their personal finances. I am currently employed with Southwest Securities, FSB. Southwest Securities is a full service bank and investment firm. Over the most recent years banking has been under the gun for many changes in the law and also regulations for protection of consumers and banks around the country. Currently my bank is operating under a cease-and-desist order that is allowing us to make changes on our policies to better the company. Southwest Securities FSB, as mentioned is a full service bank for customers. There are many regulations to follow in banking. Regulation E protects the bank and consumer on electronic funds transfers which includes ATM, debit cards, bill payment, and online banking transfers. Any transaction that is considered â€Å"electronic† and requires no paper is covered by this regulation. When a customer comes in to open an account they are given a disclosure that covers this regulation and outlines the companies policies for this regulation. The most common regulation that is used the most is regulation CC. This regulation is known as the funds availability policy. This policy protects our banking customers and our bank. This allows the bank to place a hold on a check that is a large amount, a check that is forged, or a check we believe is no good for any reason. This policy protects the consumer from immediately using funds on a check that may bounce or be returned. This also protects the bank from having to pay for an overdraft on a customer’s account. If the bank doesn’t place a hold on the account then the bank may end up covering the costs to put the customer’s account back in the positive. The cease-and- desist order that was put on our bank is an order that was issued from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). We were placed under this cease-and-desist order because we had many loans that were not being paid off and the bank was taking a large loss on these loans. The FDIC ordered our bank to follow certain rules and meet certain requirements for them to â€Å"lift† the order. One of the many changes the bank made was we changed our Board of Directors. The new Board of Directors has changed many policies and has worked closely to meet regulators requests. We have part of the order lifted already but we are restricted on the types of loans that we can originate at this time. With continued efforts, improvements on policies and ensuring we are following all banking laws closely the bank will be able to lend money again in the near future. These regulations listed above are just the beginning of laws that apply to banking but they are the ones that are referred to daily in my job duties. The law is not used just to protect businesses and consumers. It is also used to protect us as citizens. For instance, a person who feels they were wronged by another person or has a debt due to them from someone else may file in civil court.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Business Process Redesigning At Starbucks

Business Process Redesigning At Starbucks This research paper discusses the reversal of the growth momentum achieved by Starbucks Company and the problems facing its internal business process which in turn would decrease the customer base of the company in the long run. The paper suggests some positive steps to stall the decline by introducing redesigning in areas like information system for better interaction and adding value in its whole supply chain process. In order to be more cost effective in the whole of the value chain of Starbucks the paper has introduced certain tools like lean management and IT software to smoothen the process of interaction in a much better way. Starbucks Company has attained a unique place in the world for the brewing and retailing of extra rich coffee experience that it gives to its millions of customers. The company has more than 16600 stores in over 40 countries and is still expanding. Starbucks sells different varieties of coffee like drip brewed coffee, espresso hot drinks, coffee beans, salads and other snacks, besides offering mugs and tumblers with its logo over the counter. Starbucks also runs an entertainment division and markets music and films apart from the sale of books and other stationery. Although Starbucks Company is seen to be the worlds largest producer and retailer of specialty coffee, offering the widest range of regular and decaffeinated coffee and beverages, it is not likely to be so in the future due to stiff competition and price war. This means that most likely the competitors which are both local cafes and large retail giants are gaining ground in this niche area where Starbucks previously had a firm foothold. This is quite likely as the current trends of the worlds largest coffee brewer suggest and necessitated the giant to close down shutters on many of its promising coffee stores around the world. The recession has further taken its toll with many consumers preferring similar coffees at cheaper price. Therefore, there is every reason to suggest that Starbucks carries out a total redesigning of its existing levels of functions right from the stage it procures its materials like raw bean purchase to the stage when the final output passes on to the hands of the customers at its various stores. This is not an insurmountable task as Starbucks own system has so far allowed it to function without much of hindrance. But given the fact that the current market conditions have changed drastically and the stiff competition has brought a price war, Starbucks would have to make some changes in the methods pertaining to this problem. Hence, this paper suggests certain important steps in the right direction which could make Starbucks a formidable challenge to it customers as well as retain its large customer base almost intact. The first and primary step is to make some changes in the way the information system at Starbucks functions and the second is the way the lean management system could be introduced in its value chain starting from the procurement of raw materials to the sale of coffee beverages at its retail counters. In order to bring out the required focus on these two foremost activities it is necessary for Starbucks to introduce a newer and better Information System to solve this problem. This would mean that Starbucks would have to implement new software which helps in allowing the free flow of information through the complete supply chain process. As we move into the information age, the success of the organization depends upon its own experience and that of others and by the right method of collecting this information it attains the greatest competitive advantage (Fairfield, 2001). The second problem is to curtail wastages as well as avoid the fluctuating prices of coffee beans while procuring through a series of checks and pragmatic forecasting. The fluctuation in prices could be seasonal and the procurement could be done by meticulous planning. For instance, coffee procurement could be made by coming into terms with the suppliers on a long term basis where prices of coffee beans could be fixed. In this Starbucks is way ahead of all other competitors and can dictate terms in the market to some extent and there by reduce its procurement costs. For all this to be made into a seamless operation the rapid flow of information with the help of Internet and intranet is of paramount importance and hence the right software facilitating this flow for stage by stage implementation of lean management and the consequent training of the staff for the fulfillment of the whole process are the prerequisites. Here, the Information System is quite different from the Information Technology and should not be confused. At Starbucks the information system includes the component known as Information Technology and this is allowed to function in tandem with that of other processes in order to get the maximum effect. The Information system at Starbucks should achieve alignment of processes, the use of hardware, the installation of the requisite software and the relevant flow of data from one end of the value chain to the other. At Starbucks it is therefore suggested that there should be a different approach for the flow of information and they must add value at every level of the supply chain. For this reason the staff ought to be trained in the right direction for understanding the whole processes at Starbucks in order to give the customers the best experience they can get anywhere else at affordable and competitive pricing. The information system at Starbucks can be made to use for procurement of supplies, the passing of the materials into the inventory, supplying and cooking section and to the counter where the items pass into the hands of the customers. In order to make this operation smooth and almost effortless the staff must be trained with skills in usage of the intranet and the Internet as well as lean management system. The basic idea is to get everyone right from the procuring stage to the customer service section the knowledge and skills are required of lean management system. Not only this, the staff at each level of function adds something of value by carefully monitoring the items that pass through his or her hands and add value to it. The ultimate product when it reaches the hands of the customers is one of rich and mind-boggling experience which the competitors would fail to do as it is Starbucks competitive strength. This culture once when imbued to all the areas of the Starbucks with the help of the fastest method in the form of unique software could become a marvel to its own employees as well as other stakeholders. The key determinant is how a brand is positioned and successful positioning involves associating the b rand to the category which the customers can easily recognize and quickly differentiate (Iacobucci, 2001). Aligning Corporate Goal with Lean Management The mission statement of Starbucks is to inspire and nurture the human spirit and in fact means one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time. The mission statement thus is quite ambitious for Starbucks and had not there been much of competition and every additional store that it established in one neighborhood made money for it then the mission is quite in line with practicality. However, this is not so for Starbucks has to buckle under the pressure of world wide recession and many of its stores had to close down. In order for the mission statement and its objective are made practical Starbucks would have to implement the lean management system at each stage and to put that into affect it must have a smooth information flowing system in place. As lean management would put a check into the wastage apart from adding quality and value to the product at every stage it would allow the mission and the objectives of the company to be achieved without any hindrance. Perhaps the lean ma nagement system being quite effective especially during crash crunch, there would be more liquidity infused into the system as well as there would be money available to fulfill the need for one store per neighborhood as per the mission statement. With proper checks in wastage through this system there would be better checks and controls over items that are not cost effective or which are not quite in line with Starbucks brand. Again, apart from quality the product looks and the way it is served should be appealing and this is also achieved by the staff who is involved in adding value to it. Product quality by itself does no make a sale for the customers must understand that the items they receive are of good quality and value (Reddy, 1994). Cost Benefits of Systems Change One of the chief factors for introducing lean management techniques at Starbucks is to control wastage and give priority to procurement of supplies and produce coffee beverages, snacks and other food products according to the demand. The software developed for the purpose would ensure the smooth function of the whole system so that neither there is any lag in quality of the product nor any wastage results out of it. In case of such careful alignment the functions of all departments in the supply chain remain uninterrupted and the end product attains a value that is truly an experience for the consumers. Again, by reducing the overall cost effectively the margins achieved are on the higher side and give the Starbucks Company the flexibility to manipulate the price and if need be can reduce it significantly enough which is not at all possible for the competition. The other advantage is that during peak season there would be enough liquidity for expansion plans, especially in emerging economies where the affect of recession has not been felt so badly. So even if the Starbucks management thinks of expanding further it would not face resource crunch. But the best of all in this system is the performance of staff which would be quite in line with mission statement of the company. The trained staff of Starbucks would be better placed in tackling any difficulties or problems and can be entrusted with even greater responsibilities. The very culture would pave way for work life balance as a whole with total quality management being the focal point in the behavior of staff. Apart from that the employees would work in a more efficient manner as they would be rewarded and promoted based on the systems efficiency. All these actions finally translate into increase customer service and further improve upon the customer service information by receiving feed backs such that the system is again made more efficient and productive. Implementation of the System The implementation of the lean management system could be made in a phased manner than in an abrupt manner. The fact is that Starbucks has already got a system in place which is quite good as far as the standards are concerned. But this does not necessitate the system to be perfect as the cost effectiveness of its operation along with total quality control is of primary importance. However, while introducing a system over that of another or scrapping one altogether may not be quite to the liking of the employees and even managers as they would have already made themselves comfortable with the older system. Besides, they would not want another system to be thrust upon them for there is no written guarantee of sorts whether the new system would perform better or worse. Besides, it is quite a well known fact in the industrial circles that redesigning and reengineering have backfired on several well known companies. Many of these companies have had success over time only after several ea rlier attempts at reengineering had proved to be futile. This naturally brings all sorts of apprehension in the minds of the employees and they might resist these by deliberate acts of underperformance or vociferously. Hence, on its part the management should be aware of these changes and try to implement them in a phased manner. In many instances the employees as rightfully seen are the first target as they may be shifted or transferred or even asked to leave. This may be good for the company, but it surely upsets any employee who has given honest service to the company for many years. With the proper implementation of mechanisms that would address such issues the management may make the move for change in the system and introduce in a phased manner the lean system of management. They should also form an ideal mutually acceptable condition for this change and all employees are to be made aware of the fact that the customers nowadays are more discerning than ever before and if the c ompany does not change or address this problem then it would have to down its shutter permanently. Customers are more discerning than they used to in the past when they purchased simply depending upon their whims and fancies (Griffin, 2002). This sums up that the customer is the most important person at the premise of the stores of Starbucks and that the customer satisfaction should be the objective of the company policies and any change to that end has to be implemented whether it is acceptable to the employees and the management or not. The new system which would be implemented in a phased manner can be done within a stipulated period of time of one year. In order to implement the lean management system a good project plan is required and the management must ensure that the proper project management software is used for the purpose. There are many types of software and the management as well as the other employees may be taken into confidence for the most suitable software after getting their feedback and response. The resulting software could be chosen in consultation with a software company to suit the business. One of the prerequisite part of the project planning which actually relates to work schedules and the period of time that is required for their completion can be derived from a Gantt chart. These again can be developed with the help of a good software company or if it is to be used for each individual store then the same could be downloaded from various websites. Under the project plan the scope of the pro ject is defined and then steps are taken and drafted for the completion of the same. That is various areas that require changes at Starbucks are stated and written down and these are then grouped in order the specific jobs could be allocated to individual employees. This can be more easily done with the help of a software program and the logical interrelationship between the different tasks like supplies, logistics, inventory, kitchen and counter can be very well defined with the help of a diagram drawn or charted in the computer and then passed on to various stores with the help of the Internet. Here, the management as well as the employees can quickly get an idea of the important parts of the system as well as their most critical areas. With the help of this project planning Starbucks management can estimate the cost of resources that are necessary under the lean management system and the cost of implementation of each type of activity. This would enable them to get the total project cost and which again would lead to trimming and pruning of the budgetary allowances and the cost of implementation by foregoing some areas while making the necessary changes in the others. Conclusion The Starbucks systems change by introducing lean management with the supplementary help from flow of information can be made into an effective tool for the overall growth of the organization, especially in retaining its large customer base and getting new ones. The system which is almost foolproof in nature is a concerted action on part of all level of employees and stakeholders in the supply chain. This redesign mitigates most of the fear that would have arisen had Starbucks lost a good number of its customers to its competitors. The risk of losing business is in fact greatly curtailed and Starbucks can look forward to a complete turnaround in its profitability and share value after the system is made operational. One of the most important factors in this type of lean management technique is the overall focus which would make the staff and the management even more involved as their benefits would soon be perceived at all stages of the company. There would be no paucity of funds for day to day operation or if Starbucks had wanted to introduce an item on no profit or no loss basis for creating more value and goodwill then the same could be done without much affect on the overall profits of the company. The introduction of kiosks and digital retailing solutions and self service kiosks which could be established anywhere could be implemented as they are all a perfect match to the system of lean management.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

During the nineteenth century, nationalism was the driving force behind the unification of Italy in 1861 and the creation of Germany as a modern nation in 1871. Nationalism had also proved a useful tool for encouraging the expansion of empire, as politicians sought to win over their constituents with the notion that it was the moral duty of western nations to civilize the rest of the world. Imperialism was also one of the four contributing factors to the cause of World War One. Although not all events that fall into the imperialistic category were about controlling another country, they contributed to the war, and imperialistic events were the foundation of the cause of World War One.The Indian Independence Movement began in 1857, and lasted until 1947. Before the beginning of the movement, India had never known political freedom. Foreign rulers had occupied the country for its' entire history. By the time the British took over the area, the natives of India had grown restless with h aving no say in any political decisions. This showed the British that the Indians were serious about achieving their freedom. During the 1900’s almost every part of Africa was a European colony. The native Africans began to protest for independence. They used a system of protests called Pan-Africanism. These brought worldwide attention to the independence of Africa from Europeans.Nationalism has had good and bad effects on major events throughout history. Some of the events that nationalism has affected would be World War 1, the Indian independence movement, and the African independence movement. Nationalism had a vital role to play in the build up in the World Was One, as different nations sought to impose their authority on the rest of the world. Na... ..., and promotes values that are the product of the African civilization and the struggles against slavery, racism, colonialism. Pan-Africanism can be seen as a product of the European slave trade. Enslaved Africans of diverse origins and their descendants found themselves embedded in a system of exploitation where their African origin became a sign of their servile status. Pan-Africanism set aside cultural differences, asserting the principality of these shared experiences to foster solidarity and resistance to exploitation. Initially anti-slavery and anti-colonial movements amongst black people of Africa and the Diaspora in the late nineteenth century, the aims of Pan-Africanism have evolved through the ensuing decades. Pan-Africanism has covered calls for African, nationalism, independence, political and economic cooperation, and historical and cultural awareness.